
Landers and offers allow you to set a "redirect mode".

This is the type of redirection FunnelFlux Pro will use when routing users to your page when they load a funnel or action URL (these modes are irrelevant if you are direct linking to a page and using our JS to track the visit).

Here are the types and their differences:

301 Moved Permanently

This is the most common redirect mode you'll use.

It's a simple "bounce" redirect where the tracker responds with a new URL and the response code "301", which tells the browser, bot or whatever is loading the URL, that the next destination is where this link should always go to.

The "301" is a response code, it doesn't really matter to you and is just want computer systems (or browsers) will see when they click links.

This is the fastest mode available and should be your default.

307 Temporary Redirect

This is exactly the same as 301 above in terms of performance and how it actually works.

The ONLY difference is the response code being "307" rather than "301".

This code is most relevant to SEO bots that scrape your pages and may load links > get sent to a destination afterwards.

If the response code is 301, the SEO bot will determine that page A links permanently to the end resulting page B. If the code is 307, the bot will consider that this redirect is temporary and it should NOT log the destination as the permanent page the link is going to.

This is only really relevant to SEO where you may be considering backlinks, do-follow on links and so on. For most users, its easiest to just pick 301 and ignore this nuance.

Ultimate Meta Refresh (UMR)

This is a custom redirection mode made by FunnelFlux.

When this is used, when a user is sent to this page by some redirect link, they will first go to an intermediate page generated by FunnelFlux that then tries to blank the referrer information and redirect them onward using Javascript.

This mode has only one purpose: to obscure referrer information from the destination URL/system (e.g. an affiliate network) for your privacy, i.e. not revealing the URL of the landers you are using.

Please note that its difficult to have 100% reliability of referrer blanking because of different clients and browser environments.

The downside of this redirect mode is that it jumps through a middle page so is much slower than 301/307 simple redirects.

Use this mode on offers when you want to obscure referrer. 

Otherwise, do not use it, and don't use it on pages YOU control and host as you will just be wasting money by reducing redirect performance for no reason.